The Power of a Gift for a Child. We Gift With Purpose: Care Packages, Lifeline, Career and Academic Support for Youth, Since 2005.
Gift for a Child's presence is felt by foster youth when they need support and at important milestone in their lives like changing schools, graduations, birthdays, preparing for college, applying for a new job and when they feel alone.
- We provided a child with comfort and a transition bag when she was removed from her home in the middle of the night, a few clothes and belongings bundled into a plastic trash bag given to her – the luggage of foster children.
- We created a special birthday celebration for a youth living in a group home that was accustomed to waking up on his birthday thinking it was going to be another ordinary day.
- We were present for a high school graduate looking out at the audience hoping someone would be by her side to celebrate and recognize her achievement.
- We provided a lifeline to an 18-year-old when he was about to be homeless because he had no support, needed real life preparation and didn't know how to live on his own.
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